Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Just Sayin'

This is one of my favorite phrases and I am giddy when I get to use it!

Today, I came to campus early to study before my test. (you see how well that's going.) I drank a full mug of coffee to be fully alert come test time, so as you can imagine, my bladder was full by the time I had hiked my mile to campus from my car. (I refuse to pay $2oo, maybe more on a parking pass.)

I entered the building and found a bathroom. There was a sign on the men's bathroom that said closed for cleaning, but the women's had no sign and there was a woman leaving it when I walked in.

I made it to the stall and during this process, I hear a man (boy) yell housekeeping through the door. I said, quite clearly, "someone's in here." Then he proceeded to turn off the lights. I sat there and said again, "someone's in here."

I finished and washed my hands, walked out the door and some blonde headed kid who had to have been younger than me, said he had to talk to me.

This denim dressed janitor proceeded to tell me that I obviously saw that they were cleaning and why would I take down the sign where there are other bathrooms in the building.


I said, "if you seriously think I took down a sign to use the bathroom, then you have issues and I don't need to be talked to the way you're talking to me. I have no use for a bathroom sign, let alone time to waste on someone who looks like Joe Dirt. Good day sir."

If I see Joe again, we might brawl. Just Sayin'