Facebook is a wonderful outlet to everyone else's lives and daily hatred or happiness via their statuses. I've had facebook since 2005 and at that point it was only for college students. Now my momma is allowed to have an account, which is not in any way bad, just funny how things change. My only issue with facebook is that when I come across a status that is against my beliefs of Religion, Politics or Kentucky Basketball, I MUST comment. I am a liberal christian who is a huge Kentucky Basketball fan and when someone disses Barack Obama or says that John Wall isn't the BEST player in college basketball (for the 2009-2010 season) then I tend to want to expess my opinions. Luckily I haven't had to say much about the ladder because everyone should know that Kentucky was the best team this year and that Duke and Butler got LUCKY in their fight for the championship. This was such a disappointing year when it came to the NCAA championship. Anyway....I came across a facebook page of a girl I went to high school with (who I have now deleted from my page) who decided it would be appropriate to post a rant as her status talking about how military families won't be under the new health insurance plan...THEN she went on to say how 'all a girl has to do is get knocked up and she can get free insurance, housing, food stamps and college.' This set me OFF! Being a pregnant woman who isn't married, I'd be in debt up to my ears if I didn't have all the government assistance. To get a better idea of how I feel about the subject, I'll post our entire conversation.....
Crystal Davis I just love it how our great president Obama has passed the new Health Care Reform allowing everyone under the age of 26 to be added to their parents insurance except for us Military families!!! I mean come on you stupid idiot! Shouldn't military families come first?! OH but of course all the illegal skums get free food, housing, and health insurance.
Crystal Davis And all these lazy ass Americans who can't get off their fat bums to go make money to support their own damn selves get everything handed to them on a silver platter. OR the fact that all I have to do is get myself knocked up and I can get free college, food stamp card, free health insurance, and housing. What is this country coming to?!! Its just insane. Thank you America, for voting the biggest loser as our president.
Sarah Liese It's pathetic what this country come to. I am with my daughter's father and bc I know who her daddy is I am looked down on. Our president is treating our military as though they don't matter, which in reality if it wasn't for them we wouldn't be a free country.
Crystal Davis Kinda makes you wonder whats going on in his head. He doesn't have any desire to take care of them. Why? Is he against us?!
Sarah Liese I don't know. Military should be a top priority, your family on top of other families are the reason we have the rights we do. Hopefully we will get a better president next time!!!
Kay Howells there are some exceptions to ur second statement..i am pregnant and am on the medical card, i work full time AND go to school part-time and have also just applied for food stamps and you know what? i'm STILL struggling. There's no platter for me..nothing has been handed to me and I'm still surviving, but I'm not where I want to be financially..however, everyday I do something to better myself and try and make a better life for me and my family.
Crystal Davis I wasn't trying to say that pregnant women shouldn't be helped. If I got pregnant I would def need the help too. I was just making a statement about how everyone is helped but military. I also feel that just because I am not pg, doesn't mean I shouldn't get some type of help as well if I needed it. But the gov just doesn't work that way.
Kathy Creighton Davis Sarah 100% right too.
Kay your not lazy - I knew your situation wouldn't be what Crystal speaking about.
Kay Howells but you said clearly that 'all you have to do is get knocked up and you can get free school, healthcare, food, whatever.' that shouldn't be a statment that you use when YOU yourself would benefit from the goverment if you were in my situation..i was with a guy in the army at one time and not saying that the military SHOULDN'T get special treatment...because they do a lot for the country and I have a family full of veterans, however, he was and still is in debt and scammed the army in MANY ways (such as being married to someone just for the money..WHILE he was still with me)..it's not just about the organization or what you do for a living, sometimes it's about the PERSON and what THEY do to better/worsen themselves. i know for a fact that he got a TON of benefits and he made really good money, his child benefits from these things and as long as he's active will have these benefits which i think is wonderful for him and his family, but i'm curious as to what else you think the military needs? I'm not saying that they shouldn't get benefits because they should get every benefit there is for themselves and their families, but everyone chooses their jobs, no one has been drafted (like my dad was in vietnam.) You choose whether or not to be a chef or a housekeeper or construction worker and you also choose to be in the military. Again, I want to stress that I have a lot of family and loved ones that were or are in the military and i applaud them for being so brave in choosing their occupation, but the way i was raised is to always help others in need and never settle for less than you deserve. I agree that people who are illegal immigrants shouldn't receieve benefits because this isn't truly their place of residence, but that's also where you have to put urself in their shoes and understand that sometimes it's about helping others before yourself. As the Bible says..." Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will repay him for his deed" Proverbs 19:17
Kathy Creighton Davis Military shouldn't get less coverage then anyone else. Yes, it is voluntary and they go way beyond there duty. If you think they make "a lot of money" your wrong - very wrong. You can check out the pay on the web. Also if you divided the pay by the hours they work we would be getting maybe 3 or 3.50 and hour and that's living state side. When ... See Moreour troops are deployed they would be lucky to be making 2.00 or less an hour. People are in the service because they feel it's there calling. The Bible also says "you don't work you don't eat"
Kay Howells i know for a fact that my ex makes more than me..and i make 8.25 an hour. i said he made really good money, not a lot more money. it's a choice, however it wasn't for my dad and he still does well for himself as a retired postal worker. Not all of these men and women who serve work the hours they are supposed too. many days my ex would just come home and sit or just drive around post. jesus said to love one another as i have loved you. do you think Jesus would turn anyone away that was sick or poor just because they weren't able to get a job? or maybe because they AREN'T lazy and no one will give them an opportunity because they don't have enough experience..did anyone ever think of that?
Kathy Creighton Davis Anybody can flip a burger. McDonald's & B.K. hire all the time and best thing about them you work your way up. They even give college $$$$$
Kathy Creighton Davis I don't know what you ex did in the military but I've never heard or seen anyone with an MOS like that. If he was an MP driving around post is part of his job.
Crystal Davis Right on momma. I have mentally challenged people at my work, and down syndrome people. And they do just fine supporting themselves. Some people are just losers.
Kay Howells and anybody can join the army..it's all about choices..i don't flip burgers either..and i know that mcdonalds and burger king dont hand out college scholarships to their workers.
Kay Howells he was not an MP..his MOS was with computers.
Kay Howells if ur in the army, you get college money too..you have a chance to earn your degree and everything
Kathy Creighton Davis Yes, they do have college funds - not sure how it works. I have friends that manage at both. I worked a BK one day during college. Yes, 1 day - I couldn't handle the greassssss. I loved working at the Pizza House - less smell.
I would love for anyone's opinions on this post because it makes me smile how I made them look so dumb..lol. Anyways, that's the extent of this post.
Signing off ;)
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